First off, hi! This is officially our first blog post. We are very excited about the chance to engage with our fans in more ways than we've done in the past. 

We are currently driving through Oklahoma City driving to Austin, TX to perform at the MidCoast Takeover which is an unofficial SXSW showcase put on by the Midwest Music Foundation. We will arrive in Austin around 6AM and will have to find something to do for several hours before we can reset and check in at our hotel. All good! In the van is Danny, Kim, JJ and Kemet (me). 

Kadesh(Trombone) has been at SXSW since Monday (lucky him!). He's been telling about all the cool shit that's happening down there. hes chance huge networking opportunity for us to have a chance to rep KC in one of the biggest unofficial showcases during SXSW.

our Trumpet player, Lawrence, and our drummer Ashley are driving down together. Ashley is driving back to KC pretty much after we perform so he needed to drive separately. Lawrence actually got in today from like Toyko. He's that big of a deal!

The drive down has been great so far. We have been playing our favorite tunes and overall this is kind of a vacation for us that allows us to bond more and take time to enjoy each other outside of a work capacity.

Kemet, our lead male vocalist, has a solo performance at Midcoast as well on Friday night. The Phantastics play at Midnight Friday/sat morning. We are headlining the night. What an amazing opportunity. This gig typically doesn't pay a whole lot, but we love the opportunity to perform outside of our immediate network. 

That's it for now! Check back later for more updates.

The Phantastics-